Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Final Idea - Just Business Plot Synopsis

'Just Business' was the final idea which stemmed from the initial idea 'Vengeance', although the idea had under-gone some changes since the planning stage.

The story of Vengeance originally was that of two friends who robbed a shop, with the shopkeeper being killed in the panic. The intended twist was that they killer of the pair would snitch on the other after being interrogated by police in return for his freedom, causing him to serve a lengthy jail sentence. This would conclude the opening sequence with the plan for the remainder of the film being about this character trying to track down his former friend, blaming him for losing a decade of his life.

However, to because parts of this idea were impractical for us to create effectively in the time we were allocated, we made some modifications to the idea.

For 'Just Business', the two friends instead robbed a house, with one of the robbers (Nathaniel) turning on his accomplice (Jeffery), with his only explanation for his betrayal being 'It's nothing personal Jeffery, it's just business'. Similarly to Vengeance, Jeffery would be arrested, as hinted by the end of the opening sequence with Nathaniel's phone call reporting a robbery. The remainder of the film would follow Jeffery in his quest for answers as he is released from prison, tracks down Nathaniel, finds out why he betrayed him and enacts his revenge.

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