Monday 8 December 2008

Audience Questionaire Analysis

Audience Questionnaire Analysis

1) Which age group are you in? 19 said ‘15-17’ 1 said ’18-21’

-This showed us the age of our target audience showing us that our survey was aimed at the right age group as our target audience was 16-18 year olds.

2) Do you enjoy thrillers? 5 said No 15 said Yes

-This showed us that most people in our target audience enjoy thriller films, making our choice of target audience effective as the genre of the sequence we were producing would appeal to our target audience.

3) Do you think that violence is an essential part of a thriller film? 11 said Yes 9 said No

- This question had mixed answers. It showed us that violence wasn't absolutely necessary but it should probably be included to make everyone happy.

4) What do you think makes a good thriller? 8 said Suspense 6 said Jumpy Moments 3 said Eerie Music 1 said setting and mood 2 said other

-As most people said that suspense made a good thriller we realised that we needed to include it in our opening sequence.

5) What do you think makes an opening sequence effective?
13 Said Character Based while 7 Said Narrative Based.

- This showed us that a character based opening sequence would be more effective than a narrative based sequence. although as the results were mixed we thought we should implement elements of both into our sequence.

6) How much of the plot do you think should be given away in the opening sequence? 5 said one clue 15 said not a lot 0 said a lot

- This showed us that we should give barely anything away in our opening sequence, as it would create enigma and make the audience want to keep watching. No one wanted to learn a lot about the film from the opening sequence and so we decided that we should use a slow reveal to introduce our audience to the characters and the narrative.

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